Firstly Happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you all had a great Long weekend.


As a result of the Holiday yesterday there are no matches scheduled tonight.  The final week of round 1 is next Monday and Tuesday.  We will then go straight into round 2 so all matches need to be completed by next week.

The Doubles league re-starts next Monday and all other leagues continue as ususal this week.

Fall Down Classic:

Entries are now closed.  The draws and start times will be available next monday.  If you did not sign up I may be able to add late if the event you wish to play in allows it but I can't guarantee spaces.

Woman's Social:

Last week I said this would start on the 24th which was incorrect.  It starts this eek which is the 17th.  Mike Wilbur and Renka Gesing thanks for pointing out this error but you were too slow!  David Guthrie won the battle by being the first to correctly point out the mistake!  Sessions run 5.30pm till 7pm and costs $10 for members and $15 for non members.

WSF Christmas Party:

Paul and Mark are again working hard to organize this years Christmas Party which will be held at Caesars on the 6th December.  I am looking forward to this years edition and am sure it will be even better than the previous two I have attended which were great occasions.  Please complete the form below to reserve a spot.  I am told seats are being sold fast!

Tip Of the Week:

Keep a journal!  When we write something down we are more likely to follow through with it.  Try thinking about your game and highlighting 1 thing you want to get better at.  Try and choose something which you feel will make the biggest improvement in your game.  It is usually more effective to do this after a loss. It may be a shot, movement into a particular area of the court or a tactical shortfall.  Once highlighted write it down and look at it every time you go on court.

Once we consciously make the effort/decision to improve something we are on a much better path to improvement and writing it down is a simple easy way of doing this.  You can even grade yourself out of 10 for the specific skill and after matches record improvements using the same simple scale. Be aware that improvement does not happen in a straight line so don't expect the score to improve each time.  Sometimes you will come off court and record a lower score than before, this is part of the struggle of improvement, embrace it!

Sorry for the plug but, getting a lesson once you have identified an area is a good way of getting some pointers that you can then go away and work on.  I can give you technical points as well as practices and conditioned games you can use to help progress. 

 A good example of a conditioned game is as follows.  Last year I was not happy with my FH Volley drop.  A game I used to play was every time I volleyed on my FH it had to be a drop.  This forced me to play the shot and also in every game I played I was consciously thinking about improving part of my game.  I would not do this in a serious match but in practice matches it is extremely useful rather than going through the motions.

Have a great week